

Cultural Policy

Polyakova E.,
Boldyreva E.

Gorlova I.,
Zorin A.

Marzoeva A.

Soloviev A.

Cultural History

Leskinen M.

Yandiev B.

Chentsov A.

Applied Cultural Research

Sokolova A.

Khilko N.,
Gorelova Ju.


Filin P.

DOI 10.34685/HI.2024.55.13.003
Gorlova I.,
Zorin A.
Transformation of the conceptual framework state cultural policy
of the Russian Federation in the first quarter of the 21st century
Abstract. Currently, an increasing number of humanitarians are coming to the conclusion that Russia is facing the need to move to a new development paradigm in which culture plays a decisive role. This is what determines the need for a scientifically sound and consistent cultural policy, organically linked to the main goals and objectives facing the Russian state. In the last decade, a new model of state cultural policy, adequate to modern realities, has been created, the purpose of the research is to identify the conceptual foundations of which. To determine its features, the authors consider it necessary to analyze the previous models related to the period of late socialism and the time of liberal reforms. It is established that the essential point of difference between these two models is the role of the state in the formation and implementation of cultural policy. It is concluded that the new model incorporates the positive aspects of the two previous models through transformations, understood as a withdrawal in the Hegelian sense, rather than a complete and radical crossing out. This determines the possibilities and boundaries of the state's activities in the field of culture.

Key words: cultural policy, state, conceptual foundations, spiritual and moral values, models of cultural policy, transformations.

Gorlova Irina Ivanovna
D. in Philosophy, Full professor, Director
of the Southern Branch of the Likhachev Russian Research Institute
for Cultural and Natural Heritage (Krasnodar)
Email: ii.gorlova@gmail.com

Zorin Alexander Lvovich
D. in Philosophy, Full professor,
Southern Branch of the Likhachev Russian Research Institute
for Cultural and Natural Heritage (Krasnodar)
Email: zoral150@mail.ru


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural
  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
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date: 03.09.2014

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