

Cultural Policy

Polyakova E.,
Boldyreva E.

Gorlova I.,
Zorin A.

Marzoeva A.

Soloviev A.

Cultural History

Leskinen M.

Yandiev B.

Chentsov A.

Applied Cultural Research

Sokolova A.

Khilko N.,
Gorelova Ju.


Filin P.

DOI 10.34685/HI.2024.11.80.008
Khilko N.,
Gorelova Ju.
Co-evolutionary approach to exploring
the cultural landscape of the city
Abstract. The cultural landscape of the city is a system of expanding the process of conjugate centering and concentration of the system from the core to the periphery, in which there is dissipation of development. The main approaches are: geoecological; phenomenological, landscape studies, anthropological, axiological and systemic, of which the co-evolutionary approach is a part. The productivity of applying a systematic approach to the analysis of the dynamics of the cultural landscape of the city is justified. Within its framework, the cultural landscape is defined through the concept of a hierarchical complex system. Co-evolution in the system of the cultural landscape of the city is the transition from the synchronization of cultural space with structural neoplasms as a natural path of its development to the asynchronous development of spheres and subsystems of the cultural landscape and cultural environment while maintaining the stability of its core. In dynamics of a cultural landscape the horizontal and vertical evolving planes being in a condition of a koevolyution came to light. It allowed to prove koevolyutsionny approach to a research of a city cultural landscape. At the same time characteristic of a koevolyution is given on the basis of a reference value of the kulturogenom which is in the basis of interface of lines in «triangles of a vertical and horizontal koevolyution» in which space the bases of cultural marking which acts as the integrator of sociocultural elements of urban cultural environment, way of preservation and transfer of the cultural information focused on reproduction of last examples of culture and public life are revealed.

Key words: the cultural landscape of the city, the Post-Soviet period, koevolyutsionny approach, kulturogeny, system approach, a horizontal and vertical koevolyution, the bases of marking, modalities of a cultural landscape of the city, levels of a cultural landscape, not synchronism is developed.

Khilko Nikolay Fedorovich
D. in Pedagogics, Full professor,
Siberian brunch of the Russian Scientific Research Institute for Cultural
and Natural Heritage named after D.Likhachev (Omsk)
Email: gorelovaj@mail.ru

Gorelova Julia Robertovna
PhD in History, Associate professor,
Academic secretary, Siberian brunch of the Russian Scientific Research Institute
or Cultural and Natural Heritage named after D.Likhachev (Omsk)
Email: fedorovch59@mail.ru


  Russian Research
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  Russian Research
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