

Cultural Policy

Polyakova E.,
Boldyreva E.

Gorlova I.,
Zorin A.

Marzoeva A.

Soloviev A.

Cultural History

Leskinen M.

Yandiev B.

Chentsov A.

Applied Cultural Research

Sokolova A.

Khilko N.,
Gorelova Ju.


Filin P.

DOI 10.34685/HI.2024.36.35.004
Leskinen M.
The Image of Russia in the ‘Singer&Co.’ advertising products
for the Russian Empire
Abstract: The article examines the advertising of the American “Singer&Co.” in the Russian Empire (1900s – 1914) and its visual strategy in the context of the formation concepts and images of Russianness (national and historical dress, feminine personification of Russia). The differences of Russian images on Singer’ logos that did not belong to Taburin, were identified for the first time. Based on a comparison of various types of advertising products (posters, postcards, labels, forms, calendars etc.) with the main poster for Russian consumers made by artist Vladimir A. Taburin, the main features of the national representation feminine images are reconstructed. The argument is given for the hypothesis that an allegorical image of Russia was presented in the Singer’s female images, and it was based on visual stereotypes of Russianness.

Key words: Singer&Co., Russian Empire, Vladimir A. Taburin, feminine personifications of Russia, national representations.

Leskinen Maria Voittovna
D. in History; leader research fellow, Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)
Email: marles70@mail.ru


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural
  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
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  4 issues per year

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date: 03.09.2014

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