

Cultural Theory

Roumyantsev O.

Nugayev R.

Cultural History

Saiko E.

Fazlullin S.

Applied Cultural Research

Seslavinskaya M.


Fortunatova V.

Lyusy А.

Steiner E.

Pigalskaya A.

Vashchenko А.

Small Encyclopaedia
of Culturology

Ryleva A.

Pro memoria

Razlogov K.
Flier A.
Sevan O.

Russian Institute for Cultural Research - 80 years

Kudryavtseva E.


Rybak K. E.

Current Events

Kuzheleva-Sagan I.
Nosova S.

Zhukova O.

Malygina I.

UDC 008:001.8+003
Lyusy А.
Textual Revolution or Semiotic Mutation?
A Cultural Trip in Petersburg Taxi Bus,
Which Was Conceptualised Through the Bottleneck of The Pestel’ Street

Abstract. In the article, the author gives reasons for introducing the term of “textual revolution” and demonstrates how the “Russian theory” is shaped at the global and local levels. Within its framework, the sociocultural space of contemporary Russia is created and constituted by the texts of culture. It is shown that a cultural text is not just an aggregate of thematically joint literary creations but the rationally justified myth, or cultural artefact both capable of producing a reflective work and offering the “Russia” semantic discourse a possibility of reaching the ideal objective of obtaining the status of civilisational system.

Key words: semiosis, local text, textual revolution, Russian theory, semiotic mutation

Lyusy Аleksandr Pavlovich,
PhD in Culturology,
Senior Researcher at the Arts Theory Department,
Russian Institute for Cultural Research (Moscow),
e-mail: allyus1@gmail.com


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural
  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural

  4 issues per year

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Эл. № ФС77-59205,
date: 03.09.2014

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