2012/2(8) Contents Cultural Theory Roumyantsev O. Nugayev R. Cultural History Saiko E. Fazlullin S. Applied Cultural Research Seslavinskaya M. Humanities Fortunatova V. Lyusy А. Steiner E. Pigalskaya A. Vashchenko А. Small Encyclopaedia of Culturology Ryleva A. Pro memoria Razlogov K. Flier A. Sevan O. Russian Institute for Cultural Research - 80 years Kudryavtseva E. Reviews Rybak K. E. Current Events Kuzheleva-Sagan I. Nosova S. Zhukova O. Malygina I.
UDC 902.034:502.8 Fazlullin S. The Underwater Historical Cultural Heritage of Russia Research and Preservation
Abstract. The author analyses the current state of affairs in the study and preservation of the underwater historical and cultural heritage in the Russian Federation and proposes recommendations for harmonising attitudes of the society and the State towards objects of the underwater historical and cultural heritage and rising public awareness.
Keywords: underwater historical cultural heritage, maritime heritage, underwater archaeology, underwater archaeological museum, underwater park, UNESCO
Fazlullin Serguei Maratovich,
PhD in Geography,
Leading Researcher of the Centre for
the Study of the Underwater Cultural Heritage of Russia,
Russian Institute for Cultural Research (Moscow)
e-mail: sh1703@yandex.ru
Russian Research
Institute for Cultural
and Natural
Russian Research
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date: 03.09.2014
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