Kuzheleva-Sagan I.
Nosova S.
Abstract. The review describes the webinar “Influence of New Media on Consciousness and Behaviour of Young People: Interdisciplinary Approach,” which became the key event of the International Scientific-Practical Web-Conference Connect–Universum — 2012. It was an an advanced newmedia form of international communication and scientific cooperation on the new media issues.
Key words: new media, youth, interdisciplinary approach, international research cooperation
Kuzheleva-Sagan Irina Petrovna,
Doctor in Philosophy, Professor,
Head of the Department of Social Communication,
Tomsk State University (Tomsk),
e-mail: ipsagan@mail.ru
Nosova Snezhana Sergeevna,
Senior Lecturer
of the Department of Social Communication,
Tomsk State University (Tomsk),
e-mail: sagan99@mail.ru