

Cultural Theory

Roumyantsev O.

Nugayev R.

Cultural History

Saiko E.

Fazlullin S.

Applied Cultural Research

Seslavinskaya M.


Fortunatova V.

Lyusy А.

Steiner E.

Pigalskaya A.

Vashchenko А.

Small Encyclopaedia
of Culturology

Ryleva A.

Pro memoria

Razlogov K.
Flier A.
Sevan O.

Russian Institute for Cultural Research - 80 years

Kudryavtseva E.


Rybak K. E.

Current Events

Kuzheleva-Sagan I.
Nosova S.

Zhukova O.

Malygina I.

UDC 11(091)(4)
Roumyantsev O.
To Exist or to Understand
Universality of the Non-Traditional Culture
(Part 2)
Abstract. The article discusses metaphysical assumptions (Kantian metaphysics of the finite mind) and genealogy of the European Modern Project of cultural universality. The author tries to show both productivity and incompleteness of this project. After making those allowances, one can comprehend a task of substantiating human existence in language (communication) as that, which has inherited this touch of “incompleteness”. The latter manifests itself in a simulation of the Kantian problem – appearance of Another before the mind. However, it is not about the openness of mind (or human subjectivity) to natural determinations, as in Kant’s philosophy, but it is about the openness of human existence to sacred determinations, as Jaspers and Heidegger stated. The author conjectures that today, the transcendence of the content in the interpersonal communication, which made communication a self-development generator of the European culture, in its turn, would require a new solution to the problem of relationship between natural and sacred horizons of transcendence.

Key words: natural light of reason, universality of culture, existence and language, another as the communication content

Roumyantsev Oleg Konstantinovich,

Doctor in Philosophy,
Head of the Department for Philosophical Problems of Culture,
Russian Institute for Cultural Research (Moscow),
e-mail: rumok@mail.ru


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural
  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
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date: 03.09.2014

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