

Cultural Theory

Roumyantsev O.

Nugayev R.

Cultural History

Saiko E.

Fazlullin S.

Applied Cultural Research

Seslavinskaya M.


Fortunatova V.

Lyusy А.

Steiner E.

Pigalskaya A.

Vashchenko А.

Small Encyclopaedia
of Culturology

Ryleva A.

Pro memoria

Razlogov K.
Flier A.
Sevan O.

Russian Institute for Cultural Research - 80 years

Kudryavtseva E.


Rybak K. E.

Current Events

Kuzheleva-Sagan I.
Nosova S.

Zhukova O.

Malygina I.

UDC 39:314.7(=214.58)
Seslavinskaya M.
On the History of the “Great Migration of the Roma” in Russia:
Socio-Cultural Dynamics of Small Groups in the Light of the Ethnic History
Abstract. The paper is based on the analysis of the oral ethnic history materials of the Roma people. The author considers social and cultural dynamics of the Lovary Roma, ethnic and social processes related to their integration into Russian society in the late 19th and the 20th centuries. The archive documents (photos included) are used to specify routes and time of their migration from Hungary to Russia via the territories of Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus. The field data of the oral ethnic and cultural history of the Russian Lovary are presented in the Addendum.

Key words: Lovary Roma, ethnic history, ethnic discourse, sociocultural dynamics, social and economic integration, grouping

Seslavinskaya Marianna Vladimirovna,
PhD in Philosophy,
Head of the Russian Research Centre of the Roma Culture,
Russian Institute for Cultural Research (Moscow)
e-mail: romaunion@mail.ru


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural
  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural

  4 issues per year

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date: 03.09.2014

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