

Cultural Theory

Astafieva O.
Flier A.

Kozjakova M.

Cultural History

Khachatouryan V.

Applied Cultural Research

Еfimova T.

Nikolaeva E.


Roife A.

Shtreker N.

Smirnova-Seslavinskaya M.

Small Encyclopaedia of Culturology

Shestakov V.


Zamai V.


Astafieva O.

Pryanishnikov N.

Kirpichoff Yu.

Current Events

Kuptsova I.

Ionesov V.
Kurulenko E.

UDC 008:316.752
Ionesov V.
Kurulenko E.
Regional Project on Culture,
Peace Making and Social Devotion
Abstract. This essay presents the international project ‘Culture of Peace Personalities’ launched by the Samara Society for Cultural Studies in 1996. The Project was founded as an open platform of intercultural dialogue and reconciliation. The goal of the project is to collect the best samples of culture of peace and spirit of enterprise, which reflected in the life, professional activity and creative works of well-known persons and then to bring their feedback to a wide audience. Thanks the project we have great collection of personal messages about the sense and significance of culture for the survival of humanity. The participants of this conversation had become more hundreds of outstanding people from around the world.
Key words: culture of peace, social projecting, peace making, humanitarian resources of culture, the Samara Society for Cultural Studies

Ionesov Vladimir Ivanovich,
Doctor in Culturology,
Professor of the Department for Theory and History of Culture,
Samara State Academy for Culture and Arts,
President of the Samara Society for Cultural Studies (Samara),
e-mail: ionesov@mail.ru

Kurulenko Eleonora Alexandrovna,
Doctor in Culturology, Professor,
Rector of the Samara State Academy
for Culture and Arts (Samara),
e-mail: ekurulenko@mail.ru


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural
  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural

  4 issues per year

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date: 03.09.2014

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