

Cultural Theory

Astafieva O.
Flier A.

Kozjakova M.

Cultural History

Khachatouryan V.

Applied Cultural Research

Еfimova T.

Nikolaeva E.


Roife A.

Shtreker N.

Smirnova-Seslavinskaya M.

Small Encyclopaedia of Culturology

Shestakov V.


Zamai V.


Astafieva O.

Pryanishnikov N.

Kirpichoff Yu.

Current Events

Kuptsova I.

Ionesov V.
Kurulenko E.

UDC 80:39(075.8)
Shtreker N.
Ethnic-Cultural Competence Forming in the Process of Studying Linguistic Disciplines
Abstract. Realisation of the new state educational standards of the higher professional education (“pedagogical education”, bachelor degree) is based on the competence approach. It means definition of aims of education as competences which are demanded in a modern specialist’s professional activity and are learnt by students. The article is devoted to the problem of bachelors of pedagogic ethnic cultural competence forming while studying lingua disciplines. Ethnic cultural competence is defined as understanding the link between a language history and folk history and it is realized by entering into education ethnic cultural texts, facts about national language history and Russian history, traditions and culture. Specific, structure, ways and markers of the ethnic cultural competence forming are defined on the example of the course “Historical Comments to the Course of Modern Russian Language”.
Key words: bachelor of education, competence approach, basic and special competences, ethnic cultural competence, components of the ethnic-cultural competence, variant educational conceptions, cultural and historical orientation of linguistic education, historical linguistic commenting

Shtreker Nina Yurievna,
Ph. D. in Philology, Doctor in Pedagogy, Professor,
Director of the Pedagogy Institute,
Tsiolkovsky Kaluga State University (Kaluga),
e-mail: n_streker@list.ru


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural
  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
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  4 issues per year

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date: 03.09.2014

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