Astafieva O.
Abstract. The review analyses the new monograph ‘Mediology as an Academic Synthesis’ by Natalia Kirillova published in 2013. The author underlines that today media related issues are addressed by many representatives of the humanities and the notions of media environment, media space, media reality have been widely introduced into the framework of categories and concepts of many academic disciplines. The media policies, media management and media education emerged as new types of activities. Accordingly, a revolution has happened both in media and social consciousness over the past decades and provided grounds for establishment of mediology as a new discipline that synthesises related studies and approaches.
Key words: media, mediology, media culture, media policy, media management, media education
Astafieva Olga Nikolaevna,
Doctor in Philosophy, Professor,
Head of the Department for Strategies of Sociocultural Policy
and Modernisation Processes,
Russian Institute for Cultural Research (Moscow),