Kozjakova M.
Abstract. The article addresses problematic of science and art in the 20th century within the context of new technologies development. To-day, in the epoch of the so-called ‘postmodern culture’ technology transforms both society and non-classical science and art. A number of contemporary trends underpin a process of their convergence and change the borders within the space lying between logos and myth. These interactions resulted in the so called ‘science art’ that can be viewed as a phenomenon representing synthesis between science and the arts.
Key words: science, arts, postmodern culture, non-classical science and art, science art, logos and myth
Kozjakova Maria Ivanovna,
Dr in Philosophy, PhD in Economics,
Professor of the Department for Philosophy and Culturology,
Schepkin Higher Theatre School (Institute) (Moscow),
e-mail: markoz@yandex.ru