Farsetti А.
Abstract. This article focuses on I.A. Aksenov’s poem “Serenade” (1920). Our detailed analysis has shown that the poem is a particular experiment of style in reporting an experience of the lyric “I”, which recalls contemporary literary tendencies such as the “Stream of Consciousness”. Moreover, the humoristic character of his poem could allude to a parodic aim. We have considered T. Corbière’s parodies as his literary model and interpreted “Serenade” as a mocking poem addressed to pre-futurist Russian poets (especially Balmont and Gumilev).
Key words: I.A. Aksyonov (1884-1935), Silver Age, Serenade, Stylization, Comic Poetry, Stream of Consciousness, Parody, Exotics.
Farsetti Alessandro,
PhD Candidate in Russian Literature,
Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies
Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Venice),
e-mail: alessandrofarsetti@gmail.com