


Zaitseva A.

Zhukovsky A.

Matsevich A.

Dovgiy O.

Lebedeva E.

Languages of Culture

Nenarokova M.

Farsetti А.

Goncharenko A.

Akimova A.S

Okulova S.

Small Encyclopaedia of Culturology

Baksheev S.


Klimov V.

Umnyashov A.

Monguch M.

Mongush M.

Sofronova L

Kashbyk-ool, Saylyk

Lakutina N.

Current Events

Baryshev I.
Kuliev A.
Pechersky O.
Popov A.

Dovgiy O.

UDC 821.161.1
Akimova A.S
Story of Pinocchio in Russia

Abstract. The idea of the creation of a man was very important and popular in the culture of twentieth century. Many translations of the most popular Collodi’s tale «The Adventures of Pinocchio» were published in Russia. Alexey Tolstoy created his own tale «The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino» based on Collodi’s story, which had a great influence on the development of the genre of fairytale and formation of soviet literature for children. Despite of the obvious echoes of the literary situation of the previous literary tradition in Tolstoy’s text, the Soviet criticism had not noticed it.

Key words: Russian literature of the 20th century, Alexey N. Tolstoy, cross-cultural plots, cross-cultural associations, Soviet criticism, literary genre of fairytale

The research was performed by the grant of the Russian Science Foundation (project № 14-18-02709) in the Gorky Institute of World Literature.

Akimova Anna Sergeevna, 

Ph.D in Philology, Senior Scientific Officer,
The Gorky Institute of World Literature (Moscow),
e-mail: ann-akimova@yandex.ru


  Russian Research
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  Russian Research
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