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Nenarokova M.

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UDC 7.042
Okulova S.
Animals in avant-garde Art and Literature and the Romantic Tradition

Abstrac. In this article, the romantic tradition of the depiction of animals (whether in arts or in literature) is observed, and the reflection of this tradition in avant-garde art and poetry is featured. Avant-garde artists continue to perceive an animal as a herald of the other world or as a double of a man reflecting his essence in one way or another, often ironically. The XX-century art was more profound then the romantic art in many aspects, such as discovering an animal as an observer with a different eye upon the world. Both romantic and avant-garde traditions originate in even more ancient genre traditions, like the fable tradition and that of bestiary.

Key words: literature, poetry, art, avant-garde, modernism, romanticism, XX century, Mayakovsky, Khlebnikov, Goncharova, Chagall, Franz Marc, Fyusli, Heine, Melville, animalistic, irony

Okulova Sofia Nikolaevna,

Post-graduate student, Gorky Institute of World Literature
of Russian Science Academy,
Exposition expert, Rudomino Moscow State Library
for Foreign Literature (Moscow),
e-mail: zubkova.son@gmail.com


  Russian Research
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  Russian Research
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date: 03.09.2014

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