

Cultural Theory

Gorin D.

Savrutskaya E.

Cultural History

Chistyakova V.

Sorokin А.
Losunov А.

Applied Cultural Research

Sinetsky S.

Sadokhin A.

Kochelyaeva N.
Razlogov K.


Steiner E.

Russian Institute for Cultural Research – 80 years

Chikisheva A.

Vasiliev A.

Rabinovich V.


Fadeeva I.

Reifman B.

Current Events

Bogatyreva E.

Goncharik A.

UDC 008(091):323.2
Gorin D.
Towards Phenomenology of the Right and the Real:
«Other Kingdom» and Metaphysics of Power in Russian Culture

Abstract. The author analyses chronotopical shift between the right and the real in Russian culture. The phenomenology of the right and the real is considered within the context of reconstructing a chronotope of the cultural worldview. The tensity between the right and the real eventuates in the institutional sphere, which provides for embedding ideal representations in social regulatory system. In Russia, the progress of the notion of “the right and the real” was made against the weak institutional possibilities to implement related ideals, which predetermined both the specificity of the power chronotope and the character of social dynamics of culture in Russia.
Key words: chronotope, worldview, the right and the real, Axial Age, social ideal, utopia

Gorin Dmitry Gennadievich,
Doctor in Philosophy,
Head of the Department for Social Sciences and the Humanities,
Bryansk Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy
and Public Administration by the President of the Russian Federation (Bryansk),
e-mail: dm.gorin@mail.ru


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural
  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural

  4 issues per year

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of the mass
information media
Эл. № ФС77-59205,
date: 03.09.2014

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