Abstract. The article characterises the main directions and topics of research conducted by the Members of the Section for Fundamental Studies of Culture at the St. Petersburg Department of the Russian Institute for Cultural Research. The work is aimed at theoretical development of contemporary critical theory and its philosophical aspects. The team pursues a research on contemporary visual culture while a special attention is paid to film theory, photography philosophy, theory of media, and intermediality. The self-portraits of researchers represent their principle academic interests, directions of theoretical work, and the most important publications.
Key words: visual studies, popular culture studies, theory of image, mediaphilosophy, film studies, intermediality
Venkova Alina Vladimirovna,
PhD in Culturology, Assistant Professor,
Deputy Director for Research,
St. Petersburg Department
of the Russian Institute for Cultural Research (St. Petersburg),
e-mail: venkova@mail.ru
Koneva Anna Vladimirovna,
PhD, Assistant Professor,
Head of the Section for Fundamental Studies of Culture,
St. Petersburg Department
of the Russian Institute for Cultural Research (St. Petersburg),
e-mail: info@spbric.org
Fomenko Andrei Nikolaevich,
Doctor in Arts History,
Senior Researcher at the Section for Fundamental Studies of Culture,
St. Petersburg Department
of the Russian Institute for Cultural Research (St. Petersburg),
e-mail: info@spbric.org
Sokolova Irina Borisovna,
PhD in Culturiligy,
Senior Researcher at the Section for Fundamental Studies of Culture,
St. Petersburg Department
of the Russian Institute for Cultural Research (St. Petersburg),
e-mail: info@spbric.org
Stepanov Mikhail Alexandrovich,
PhD, Researcher at the Section for Fundamental Studies of Culture,
St. Petersburg Department
of the Russian Institute for Cultural Research (St. Petersburg),
e-mail: info@spbric.org
Timashkov Alexei Yurievich,
Researcher at the Section for Fundamental Studies of Culture,
St. Petersburg Department
of the Russian Institute for Cultural Research (St. Petersburg),
e-mail: info@spbric.org