Bogatyreva E.
Abstract. The review is dedicated to the results of the XIV International Bakhtin Conference (Bertinoro, Italy, 2011) held under the title “Bakhtin: Through the Test of Great Time”. The papers of the Conference participants are presented against the general context of Bakhtin studies. A special attention is given to the problems of the Bakhtin Circle, related deuterocanonical works, and Marxist influence on Bakhtin’s ideas.
Key words: Мikhail Bakhtin, Bakhtin's philosophy, Bakhtin Circle, theory of language, theory of literature, XIV Bakhtin Conference at the University Centre of Bertinoro
Bogatyreva Elena Anatolievna,
Doctor in Philosophy, Leading Researcher
of the Department for Philosophical Issues of Culture,
Russian Institute for Cultural Research (Moscow),