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Steiner E.

Russian Institute for Cultural Research – 80 years

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UDC 7.035/.036:096.1(02.053.2)
Steiner E.
The Modernist Left in West European and American Children's Books in the 1920–30s (Part 2)
This is the second part of the article that explores the relationship between modernist aesthetics and the area of children’s books production in Western Europe and America. Many leading Avant-garde artists and writers were involved in making books for the young audience. In this field they playfully experimented with radical (artistically and socially) ideas and often revealed such facets of their art that were not well articulated in their main works for adults. In the centre of the publication is the so called “production book”, the genre of the children’s books about machines and mechanisms and about how things are made. It corresponded with the idea “here and now” proclaimed by the American educator Lucy Sprague Mitchell whose books where popular not only in the USA but in the USSR as well.

Key words: children’s literature, children’s books illustration, Avant-garde, Modernism, Soviet art 1920-30s, American art 1920-30s, left ideas in art, education in children’s books, mechanisms and machines in art, robots

Steiner Evgeny Semyonovich,
Doctor in Art History,
Principal Researcher of the Centre for Japanese Studies,
Russian Institute for Cultural Research (Moscow);
Professor, Higher School of Economics (Moscow);
Professorial Research Associate,
Japan Research Centre,
School of Oriental and African Studies,
University of London (United Kingdom),
e-mail: evenbach@gmail.com


  Russian Research
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  Russian Research
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date: 03.09.2014

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