

Cultural Theory

Roumyantsev O.

Kondakov I.

Oittinen V.

Kirillova N.

Cultural History

Ikonnikova S.

Zlotnikova T.

Applied Cultural Research

Grigoriev A.

Ryleva A.

Zelentsova E.
Melvil E.


Lukov Val.
Lukov Vl.

Small Encyclopaedia
of Culturology

Zaks L.


Polyakov Т.

Current Events

UDC 11(091)(4)
Roumyantsev O.
To Exist or to Understand
(Part 1)
Abstract. The article discusses an interaction between human existence and understanding of individuality in the historical perspective. The author addresses a problem of European thought that has emerged simultaneously with the approval of cognition being one of the essences of human existence. He argues that a transformation of gnoseological dualism into existential opposition between being and nihility (or horror) reveals that (i) the cognitive opposition of subject and object is not presupposed but it is generated by a human being in history, and (ii) that the existence as time does not precede to consciousness as a certain finality but it is changed by man himself. The paper aims to use concepts of European philosophy for discussion of contemporary problems that have not existed earlier and to see the latter in retrospect of the philosophy history, which though constantly changing is a fait accompli.

Key words: openness and extra-position; self-cognition and existence; causa sui and Gnosticism; extra-cultural determinations and freedom

Roumyantsev Oleg Konstantinovich,
Doctor in Philosophy,
Head of the Department for Philosophical Problems of Culture,
Russian Institute for Cultural Research (Moscow),
e-mail: rumok@mail.ru


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural
  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural

  4 issues per year

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Эл. № ФС77-59205,
date: 03.09.2014

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