

Cultural Theory

Roumyantsev O.

Kondakov I.

Oittinen V.

Kirillova N.

Cultural History

Ikonnikova S.

Zlotnikova T.

Applied Cultural Research

Grigoriev A.

Ryleva A.

Zelentsova E.
Melvil E.


Lukov Val.
Lukov Vl.

Small Encyclopaedia
of Culturology

Zaks L.


Polyakov Т.

Current Events

UDC 069.1:061.3(048.84)
The Role of Museums in Shaping Historical Consciousness
(Outlines of the International Conference)
Précis. The similarly-named academic conference that took place in the city of Ryazan in April 2011 was an important event for museum workers and historians of Russia, the CIS countries, and Germany because. The problem of exhibiting history and of a social impact produced by related displays is still relevant for museums all over the world. In fact, modern museums are a kind of a bridge between the professional, academic estimations and wider audiences or society overall. As the “memory institutions”, the latter influence certain “identification” mechanisms, which underpin the integrity of socio-cultural space. That is why the participants addressed both the general issues of historical representations in museum and professional concerns about creating historical displays in national and regional museums.   

Cherkaeva Olga Evguenievna,

PhD in Culturology,
Leading Researcher of the Museum Encyclopaedia Department,
Russian Institute for Cultural Research (Moscow),
e-mail: rme2001@yandex.ru

Chuvilova Irina Valentinovna,
PhD in History,
Head of the Museum Encyclopaedia Department,
Russian Institute for Cultural Research (Moscow),
e-mail: rme2001@yandex.ru

Kaulen Maria Eliseevna,
PhD in History, assistant Professor,
Leading Researcher of the Museum Encyclopaedia Department,
Russian Institute for Cultural Research (Moscow),
e-mail: rme@museum.ru


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural
  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural

  4 issues per year

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Эл. № ФС77-59205,
date: 03.09.2014

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