2011/2(4) Contents Cultural Theory Mezhuev V. Tlostanova М. Cultural History Shoulepova E. Flier A. Vishlenkova E. Applied Cultural Research Astafieva O. Sokolov А. Humanities Avanesova G. Ilyshev P. Steiner E. Small Encyclopaedia of Culturology Vlasenko V. Shestakov V. Anniversaries
Ploskih V. Polyakov Т.
Hrenov N. Reviews Kuznetsova Т.
UDC 008.001.8 Tlostanova М. Caribbean Transcultural Philosophy within the Context of Cultural Dialogue Abstract: The author analyses the main trends in contemporary West Indian philosophy that are rooted in the very particular, transcultural character of the local and processes of linguistic and epistemological creolisation and hybridisation, which produce specific models of Place and Time, History and Subjectivity, resistance forms and re-existence. Particular attention is given to the works of Sylvia Wynter as the brightest representative of the Caribbean philosophy.
Key words: Caribbean philosophy, Sylvie Winter, transculturality, hybridisation, creolisation, Caliban’s reason
Tlostanova Madina Vladimirovna,
Doctor in Philology,
Professor of the Philosophy History Department,
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Moscow)
e-mail: madina.tlostanova@gmail.com
Russian Research
Institute for Cultural
and Natural
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date: 03.09.2014
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