2011/2(4) Contents Cultural Theory Mezhuev V. Tlostanova М. Cultural History Shoulepova E. Flier A. Vishlenkova E. Applied Cultural Research Astafieva O. Sokolov А. Humanities Avanesova G. Ilyshev P. Steiner E. Small Encyclopaedia of Culturology Vlasenko V. Shestakov V. Anniversaries
Ploskih V. Polyakov Т.
Hrenov N. Reviews Kuznetsova Т.
UDC 008.001.14 Vishlenkova E. Temporality and Time Perception in the 19th century Russian University (Part 2)
Abstract. The author explores the role that social and cultural categories of time played in shaping academic life in the 19th century Russia, controlling corporative interrelations, and establishing universitarian hierarchies. Temporal features of universitarian consciousness that influenced support and invention of traditions are revealed on the base of analysing texts of personal and administrative provenance.
Key words: Russian university, social time, corporative culture, Russian Empire, temporality, symbolic anthropology
Vishlenkova Elena Anatolyevna
Doctor in History, Professor,
Deputy Director of the Poletaev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities,
National Research University – Higher School of Economics (Moscow)
Russian Research
Institute for Cultural
and Natural
Russian Research
Institute for Cultural
and Natural
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date: 03.09.2014
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