2011/2(4) Contents Cultural Theory Mezhuev V. Tlostanova М. Cultural History Shoulepova E. Flier A. Vishlenkova E. Applied Cultural Research Astafieva O. Sokolov А. Humanities Avanesova G. Ilyshev P. Steiner E. Small Encyclopaedia of Culturology Vlasenko V. Shestakov V. Anniversaries
Ploskih V. Polyakov Т.
Hrenov N. Reviews Kuznetsova Т.
UDC 008 (091) Avanesova G. Phenomenological Studies in People and Popular Culture within the Western and Russian humanities (Part 1) Abstract. The author addresses interpretation of the notions of people and popular culture in the works of representatives of the 19th century (Joseph-Marie de Maistre, German Romanticists, German classical sociology and social thought of the first half of the 20th century, etc.) and the second half of the 20th century (philosophy of Julius Evola and the other) conservative thought, and in contemporary French and American neo-conservatism (Alain de Benoist, Joseph Patrick Buchanan).
Key words: people, popular culture, nation, national culture, tradition, people’s soul, people’s nature, people’s spirit
Avanesova Galina Alekseevna,
Doctor in Philosophy, Professor,
Head of the History and Culturology Department,
Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities
e-mail: gal-09@list.ru
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