2011/2(4) Contents Cultural Theory Mezhuev V. Tlostanova М. Cultural History Shoulepova E. Flier A. Vishlenkova E. Applied Cultural Research Astafieva O. Sokolov А. Humanities Avanesova G. Ilyshev P. Steiner E. Small Encyclopaedia of Culturology Vlasenko V. Shestakov V. Anniversaries
Ploskih V. Polyakov Т.
Hrenov N. Reviews Kuznetsova Т.
UDC 008:061.2/.3 Ilyshev P. Visual Modelling in Cinematographic Space of Akira Kurosawa’s Films Abstract. The artistic image within the cinematographic space is analysed on the examples of Akira Kurosawa’s films and his techniques of modelling the world in visual means. Being both a film director and a concept artists, Kurosawa used a variety of forms and methods for visual solutions. Japanese artists began to master the technical possibilities of space representations only in the early 20th century and at this time approximately the film director first opened himself to these possibilities in filmmaking. A study of Kurosawa’s coloured sketches made for his films exposes the way he created visual images, which lately formed his film space. Kurosawa meant at the most exact implementation of these images; that is why an examination of those techniques acquires particular relevance in the era of new film technologies.
Key words: Akira Kurosawa, cinematographic space, visual modelling, film setting, sound stage and backlot set constructions, film project, visual rows, visual image, texture
Ilyshev Pavel Vitalievich,
Senior Lecturer,
Guerasimov All-Russian State University for Cinematography
e-mail: p.ilyshev@list.ru
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