2011/2(4) Contents Cultural Theory Mezhuev V. Tlostanova М. Cultural History Shoulepova E. Flier A. Vishlenkova E. Applied Cultural Research Astafieva O. Sokolov А. Humanities Avanesova G. Ilyshev P. Steiner E. Small Encyclopaedia of Culturology Vlasenko V. Shestakov V. Anniversaries
Ploskih V. Polyakov Т.
Hrenov N. Reviews Kuznetsova Т.
UDC 008:315.42 Polyakov Т. A White Steamship Précis. The author reminds his acquaintance with Dr Elena Kuz’mina at the Russian Institute for Cultural Research, in which she was invited to chair the famous Museology Department and a trip on board of the river steamer, where his innovative and unusual museum exhibition project for the town of Sarapul was defended at the professional “floating workshop”.
Polyakov Taras Panteleimonovich,
PhD in History,
Professor of the Academy for Retraining Workers of Arts, Culture, and Tourism
e-mail: polyakov_t@mail.ru
Russian Research
Institute for Cultural
and Natural
Russian Research
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date: 03.09.2014
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