

Cultural theory

Shemanov A.

Razlogov K.

Cultural history

Kochelyaeva N.

Skibinskaya О.

Applied cultural research

Kostina A.

Mamedov F.

Rumyantsev M.
Lapteva M.
Melvil E.
E. Andreeva S.


Bolshakova A.

Selezneva E.

Bogatyreva E.

Vislova A.

Small Encyclopaedia
of Culturology

Ikonnikova S.
Kondakov I.
Kostina A.
Shapinskaya E.

Russian Institute for Cultural Research - 80 years

Razlogov K.
Astafieva O.


Chernosvitov P.

Vasiliev A.

Avanesova G.

Current events

Kurova-Chernavina N.
Zubov A.

Kovalenko T.

UDC 130.2+303.01
Shemanov A.
The Other as “Disabled”:
Social Construction Approach vs. Medicalisation

Abstract. The article considers the specificity of the anthropological interpretation of the Other by C. Levi-Strauss and evaluates two approaches to the inclusion of persons with disabilities into the general education process in connection therewith. The first approach discusses the issue of inclusion on the base of the social construction of reality concept, the second one proceeds from the medical approach to the subject matter. The comparison of those two approaches allows revealing general limitations of their methodology, which remains within the confines of naturalistic sign interpretations and does not discuss the issue of the sign function origin in the process of human historical development and individual ontogenesis.

Key words: disability studies, anthropology of the Other, inclusion, integration, social constructionism, medicalisation, sign, criticism of naturalistic methodology

Shemanov Alexei Yurievich,
Doctor in Philosophy, PhD in Medical Sciences,
Head of the Laboratory for Social and Cultural Rehabilitation
of Persons with Developmental Disabilities
at the Institute for Integrative (Inclusive) Education Research,
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (Moscow),
e-mail: ajshem@mail.ru


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural
  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural

  4 issues per year

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Эл. № ФС77-59205,
date: 03.09.2014

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