

Cultural theory

Shemanov A.

Razlogov K.

Cultural history

Kochelyaeva N.

Skibinskaya О.

Applied cultural research

Kostina A.

Mamedov F.

Rumyantsev M.
Lapteva M.
Melvil E.
E. Andreeva S.


Bolshakova A.

Selezneva E.

Bogatyreva E.

Vislova A.

Small Encyclopaedia
of Culturology

Ikonnikova S.
Kondakov I.
Kostina A.
Shapinskaya E.

Russian Institute for Cultural Research - 80 years

Razlogov K.
Astafieva O.


Chernosvitov P.

Vasiliev A.

Avanesova G.

Current events

Kurova-Chernavina N.
Zubov A.

Kovalenko T.

UDC 7.05: 67/68
Bogatyreva E.
The Time Factor in the Development of Creative Industries

The author examines one aspect of the “cultural industries” (“creative industries”) concept, i.e. they are tackled as a phenomenon of the post-industrial society. Cultural industries emerged in the search for new meanings, and new forms of professional self-fulfilment. That is why creative industries establishment was oriented towards human capital development while general increase in production was regarded as an outcome but not an end in itself. A possibility to consider academic communities that belong to the Humanities and develop their activities in the Internet as a form of creative industries development is proposed. The new communication technologies function as a means of those communities’ institutionalisation. The development of cultural industries presupposes and shapes particular cultural contexts that influence educational systems while producing demand for the omnitude, broader outlook, etc.

Key words: creative industries, cultural industries, theory of culture, post-industrial society

Bogatyreva Elena Anatolievna,
Doctor in Philosophy, Leading Researcher
of the Department for Philosophical Issues of Culture
at the Russian Institute for Cultural Research (Moscow)
e-mail: bogatyreva@ricur.ru


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural
  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural

  4 issues per year

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Эл. № ФС77-59205,
date: 03.09.2014

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