2012/1(7) Contents Cultural theory Shemanov A. Razlogov K. Cultural history Kochelyaeva N. Skibinskaya О. Applied cultural research Kostina A. Mamedov F. Rumyantsev M. Lapteva M. Zelentsova Melvil E. E. Andreeva S. Humanities Bolshakova A. Selezneva E. Bogatyreva E. Vislova A. Small Encyclopaedia of Culturology Ikonnikova S. Kondakov I. Kostina A. Shapinskaya E. Russian Institute for Cultural Research - 80 years Razlogov K. Astafieva O. Reviews Chernosvitov P. Vasiliev A. Avanesova G. Current events Kurova-Chernavina N. Zubov A. Kovalenko T.
UDC 659:124.5 Kostina A. Advertising as a Contributing Factor in Shaping the Axiological Space
Annotation. The article evaluates advertising as an axiological phenomenon. It is demonstrated that values transferred in advertising belong to diverse cultures. The perception of a commercial that exerts particularly intensive and active influence on individual consciousness foster values, which are sometimes essentially distinct from those inherent to one’s own culture. That is the reason for understanding advertisement as the most efficient way of transmitting values.
Keywords: advertising, values, demands, communication, culture, manipulation, value transmission
Kostina Anna Vladimirovna,
Doctor in Philosophy, Doctor in Culturology, Professor,
Head of the Department for Philosophy, Culturology, and Politology,
Moscow University for the Humanities (Moscow),
e-mail: anna_kostina@inbox.ru
Russian Research
Institute for Cultural
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Russian Research
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date: 03.09.2014
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