

Cultural theory

Shemanov A.

Razlogov K.

Cultural history

Kochelyaeva N.

Skibinskaya О.

Applied cultural research

Kostina A.

Mamedov F.

Rumyantsev M.
Lapteva M.
Melvil E.
E. Andreeva S.


Bolshakova A.

Selezneva E.

Bogatyreva E.

Vislova A.

Small Encyclopaedia
of Culturology

Ikonnikova S.
Kondakov I.
Kostina A.
Shapinskaya E.

Russian Institute for Cultural Research - 80 years

Razlogov K.
Astafieva O.


Chernosvitov P.

Vasiliev A.

Avanesova G.

Current events

Kurova-Chernavina N.
Zubov A.

Kovalenko T.

UDC 902
Kochelyaeva N.
Interacting Mechanisms of Remembering and Forgetting
in Historical Perspective

Abstract. The article is devoted to the phenomenon of forgetting and memory in culture. Particular attention is paid to forgetting as one of the most important tools for shaping a new culture and a new identity and the special role of the enforced forgetting in this process. The article focuses on the fact that any political toolkit, which includes both oblivion and memory, remains historically unchanged. Another aspect of the interaction between the processes of remembering and forgetting is exemplified by addressing to the so-called “difficult loci” of memory and their rescuing from forgetting. In these processes, the interaction between historical research, collective memory, and restoration of historical justice is particularly important.

Key words: memory, memory actualisation, forgetting, enforced forgetting, deliberate destruction, identity, places of memory, civil society formation

Kochelyaeva Nina Aleksandrovna
Ph.D. in History, Leading Researcher
of the Culture, Memory, Communication Academic Centre,
Academic Secretary,
Russian Institute for Cultural Research (Moscow),
e-mail: kochelyaeva@ricur.ru


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural
  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural

  4 issues per year

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of the mass
information media
Эл. № ФС77-59205,
date: 03.09.2014

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