2012/1(7) Contents Cultural theory Shemanov A. Razlogov K. Cultural history Kochelyaeva N. Skibinskaya О. Applied cultural research Kostina A. Mamedov F. Rumyantsev M. Lapteva M. Zelentsova Melvil E. E. Andreeva S. Humanities Bolshakova A. Selezneva E. Bogatyreva E. Vislova A. Small Encyclopaedia of Culturology Ikonnikova S. Kondakov I. Kostina A. Shapinskaya E. Russian Institute for Cultural Research - 80 years Razlogov K. Astafieva O. Reviews Chernosvitov P. Vasiliev A. Avanesova G. Current events Kurova-Chernavina N. Zubov A. Kovalenko T.
UDC 929:008(092) Ikonnikova S. Kondakov I. Kostina A. Shapinskaya E. High Academic and Civil Standards Adhered: in Memory of Anatoly Shendrik
Abstract. The article is dedicated to the academic contribution of Anatoly Shendrik in establishment of culturology both as educational and research specialisation. The authors address the most important ideas developed by Dr Shendrik and evaluate his input in sociological analysis of youth culture, elaboration of textbooks on sociology and theory of culture.
Key words: cultural research, sociology of culture, philosophy, value system, interdisciplinarity, integrativity
Ikonnikova Svetlana Nikolaevna,
Doctor in Philosophy, Professor,
Head of the Department for History and Theory of Culture,
St. Petersburg State University for Culture and the Arts (St. Petersburg),
e-mail: ikon.08@inbox.ru
Kondakov Igor Vadimovich,
Doctor in Philosophy, Professor,
Vice Head of the Department for History and Theory of Culture,
Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow),
e-mail: igkondakov@yandex.ru
Kostina Anna Vladimirovna,
Doctor in Philosophy, Doctor in Culturology, Professor,
Head of the Department for Philosophy, Culturology, and Politology,
Moscow University for the Humanities (Moscow),
e-mail: anna_kostina@inbox.ru
Shapinskaya Ekaterina Nikolaevna,
Doctor in Philosophy, Professor,
Chief Researcher of the Department for Cultural Research in Socialisation Issues
of the Russian Institute for Cultural Research (Moscow)
e-mail: reenash@mail.ru
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