2012/1(7) Contents Cultural theory Shemanov A. Razlogov K. Cultural history Kochelyaeva N. Skibinskaya О. Applied cultural research Kostina A. Mamedov F. Rumyantsev M. Lapteva M. Zelentsova Melvil E. E. Andreeva S. Humanities Bolshakova A. Selezneva E. Bogatyreva E. Vislova A. Small Encyclopaedia of Culturology Ikonnikova S. Kondakov I. Kostina A. Shapinskaya E. Russian Institute for Cultural Research - 80 years Razlogov K. Astafieva O. Reviews Chernosvitov P. Vasiliev A. Avanesova G. Current events Kurova-Chernavina N. Zubov A. Kovalenko T.
UDC 008:001.89 Razlogov K. Astafieva O. A Dialogue on the Eve of the Anniversary
Abstract. The issues concerned with the cultural research and culturology as an academic discipline are revealed through the lens of the recent history of the Russian Institute for Cultural Research, which is celebrating its 80th anniversary this year. The process of establishment of culturology within the social sciences and the humanities, its subject matter and interdisciplinary links, development prospects and social impact are analysed. The dialogue participants evaluate the evolution of the Institute’s organisational structure, its co-operation with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, other academic units, etc.
Key words: cultural research, culturology, social sciences and the humanities, Russian Institute for Cultural Research, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Razlogov Kirill Emilievich,
Doctor in Arts History, Professor,
Director of the Russian Institute for Cultural Research (Moscow),
e-mail: kirill.razlogov@gmail.com
Astafieva Olga Nikolaevna,
Doctor in Philosophy, Professor,
Head of the Department for Strategies of Sociocultural Policies,
Russian Institute for Cultural Research (Moscow),
e-mail: onastafieva@mail.ru
Fedorova Tatiana Sergueevna,
Head of the Scientific Information Department,
Russian Institute for Cultural Research (Moscow),
e-mail: cr-journal@cr-journal.ru
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